Keyword Album: Trumpcare
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6 items
Today's Republicans Have It So Easy
Date: 07/24/2017
Views: 10376
Keywords: Ronald Reagan, trickle-down economics, Laffer curve, Donald Trump, GOP, conservatives, die, supply-side economics, Trumpcare, Obamacare, ACA, repeal and replace, healthcare, heartless, cruel
The Evolution of Trumpcare
Date: 07/18/2017
Views: 7543
The Republican View of Healthcare
Date: 07/13/2017
Views: 10772
Keywords: healthcare, sick, ill, illness, sickness, health, consumer, marketplace, patient, doctor, death, MD, tumors, vendors, capitalism, medicine, supply and demand, ACA, Obamacare, Trumpcare, Affordable Care Act
The Best-Case Scenario for Republicans Stripping Americans of Healthcare
Date: 06/26/2017
Views: 9316
Keywords: Afterlife cocktail party, dead people, angels, clouds, Trumpcare, Obamacare, ACA, Affordable Care Act, repeal, reform, secrecy
Donald Trump Really Can Solve All Your Problems
Date: 03/20/2017
Views: 8871
Keywords: graves, Trumpcare, ACA, Obamacare, health insurance, healthcare, blacks, racism, promise, campaign promise kept, repeal and replace
The Republicans' Political Suicide
Date: 03/17/2017
Views: 12711
Keywords: Trumpcare, ACA, Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, political suicide, Paul Ryan, Ryancare, repeal and replace, healthcare, millennials, generations, GOP, Florida, old, Republicans, Donald Trump, Demopcrats, cowardice, timidity