Keyword Album: donations
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 9 items
Date: 10/17/2017
Views: 13044
Keywords: Sputnik News, Clinton Foundation, donations, ethics, charities, money laundering, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Hillary Clinton, money, cash, sexual harassment, rape, scandal
Disaster Fatigue
Date: 09/11/2017
Views: 8563
Keywords: disasters, catastrophes, charity, Red Cross, Harvey, Katrina, New Orleans, Houston, victims, attention, follow-through, FEMA, help, donations, flood, coffee, bores, misery
From Street Walker to Call Girl
Date: 04/03/2014
Views: 9723
Keywords: campaign finance reform, donations, Congress, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, ruling, donors, corruption, call girl, prostitute, street walker, Congressman, Capitol, fracking, frackers
Hillary's Secret Meetings
Date: 01/09/2014
Views: 6937
Put It On My Tab
Date: 03/28/2011
Views: 10047
Keywords: Trade Deficit, Japan, National Debt, Earthquake, Tsunami, Charity, Donations, Obama, United States, Tab, Bank of Japan, Broke
Heckuva Job, Barry
Date: 03/18/2011
Views: 14602
Keywords: tsunami, japan, earthquake, disaster relief, donations, fema, obama, help, foreclosures, economy, recession, depression, economic collapse, now serving, form, address, criminal bankers, banksters, line, desk, forms
Medical Ethics at a Glance
Date: 06/08/1995
Views: 13443
Keywords: Organ Donations, Babies Born without Brains, Anencephalia, Medical Ethics, Sensations, Desires, Emotions, Organs, Kidneys, Intestine, Republicans, Verdict, Lung, Solutions
Standard Structure of American Corporations
Date: 04/20/1995
Views: 9442
Generosity Kills
Date: 12/18/1997
Views: 10481