Keyword Album: planet
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 25 items
Sorry but It Really Is Too Late to Save the World
Date: 11/22/2019
Views: 9727
Keywords: Pollution, counterpoint, committed warming, ice melting, carbon dioxide, CO2, 1799, Donald Trump, dip shit politicians, auto makers, horse and buggy, last thing we hear, apocalypse, climate change, global warming, environment, planet, earth
Bidenism: Let's Do 1/2 of a Lot of Good Things
Date: 06/12/2019
Views: 10646
Keywords: Biden, 2020 democratic presidential campaign, healthcare, centrism, moderation, compromise, environment, ecocide, ecology, planet, earth, military, war crimes, militarism, war, general election, votes, turn out, Third Way, Democrats
Here is Why Corporate Executives Keep Polluting the Planet They Live On
Date: 05/22/2019
Views: 6074
What Did You Do During the Climate Wars, Daddy?
Date: 10/15/2018
Views: 13457
Keywords: global warming, UN report, environmentalism, ecology, planet, earth, climate change, Thor, movies, film, entertainment, distraction, sporting events, lynx, nature specials, TV, television, pollution, apathy, ecocide, revolution, capitalism
The Coffee Stirrer is the Ultimate American Thing
Date: 03/15/2018
Views: 7786
Keywords: environment, planet, ocean, waste, trash, ecology, garbage, plastic, straws, coffee stirrers, starbucks, ecocide, sierra club
Date: 12/01/2016
Views: 6665
Date: 11/29/2016
Views: 8976
Party Like It's 1999 Degrees
Date: 09/27/2017
Views: 9453
Keywords: climate change, planet, pollution, environment, Humvee, Hummer 4, car, earth, internal combustion engine, industrialization, recycling, green, trash, sort, global warming, Tesla, bazooka, ecology, hope
Date: 04/06/2016
Views: 8976
Keywords: TPP, Trans Pacific Partnership, Trans Planetary Partnership, free trade agreements, NAFTA, WTO, GATT, HIllary Clinton, Donald Trump, labor, 2016 presidential campaign, rocket, space, political instability