Keyword Album: foreign aid
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 8 items
The Democratic Case for Impeachment
Date: 12/09/2019
Views: 5228
We Have Met "The Other" And They Are Us
Date: 10/11/2017
Views: 8193
Keywords: hurricane maria, puerto rico, territory, guam, geography, ignorance, education, foreign aid, sympathy, the other, philosophy, new mexico, core value, north korea, defense, war
Torturing the English Language
Date: 07/11/2013
Views: 11489
Keywords: English, Newspeak, Orwell, language, enhanced interrogation techniques, torture, military coup d'etat, foreign aid, transition, France, Egypt, FISA court, NSA, PRISM, secret memo, secrecy, secret court, transparency, Walmart, flex
War on War
Date: 06/21/2013
Views: 13085
Keywords: terrorism, war, Afghanistan, Iraq, Obama, militarism, reconstruction, foreign aid, veterans, healthcare, 9/11 attacks, planets, Colombia, Mali, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Somalia, Yemen
Just Kidding
Date: 02/09/2011
Views: 10135
Keywords: Hosni Mubarek, Egypt, Revolution, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Foreign Aid, Extraordinary Rendition, Torture, Corruption, Foreign Policy
Political Talk (with that Guy on the Left and that Woman on the Right)
Date: 08/15/1996
Views: 11259
New Pillars of American Defense
Date: 02/12/2002
Views: 7282
Hey Central Asian Rulers!
Date: 06/10/2008
Views: 10001