Keyword Album: Iran
Date: 02/02/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 90 items
Date: 08/16/2017
Views: 8159
The World According to Trump
Date: 01/12/2018
Views: 9998
Keywords: climate change, immigration, Trump, . shithole countries, Norway, Kim Jong-Un, North Korea, nuclear weapons, map, Hawaii, Australia, Iran, dump, shithole, refugees, migrants, terror, orientals, global warming, oil drilling, Mar-e-Lago, world
The Politics of Destruction
Date: 10/16/2017
Views: 14854
Keywords: politics, destruction, DLC, corporate Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Obamacare, corporations, extremism, Donald Trump, destroy, wreck, ruin, Iran, healthcare, ACA, North Korea, education, immigrants, xenophobia, environment, planeyt, LGBTQ, gays
U.S. Foreign Policy, Explained
Date: 04/26/2017
Views: 6805
First Trump Came For Just About Everyone, But I Said Nothing
Date: 02/27/2017
Views: 7580
Keywords: mass deportations, Trump, illegal immgirants, green card holder, recycling, photo, selfie, drones, pepper spray, ICE, Niemoller
Leftie Trump
Date: 02/07/2017
Views: 11573
Keywords: Donald Trump, leftists, liberals, socialists, alternative facts, alternate universe, Derrick Jensen, EPA, Defense, David Swanson, peace, pacifism, Iran, Chelsea Manning, DNI, National Intelligence, secretary of state, socialized medicine, Obamacare, repea
You're Gonna Miss Him Whether You Like Him Or Not
Date: 02/15/2017
Views: 8866
Keywords: Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Mexico, Iran, miss, president, Libya, Syria, torture, scot-free, torturers, Democrats, liberals
Stupid Ideas Fine, Stupid Tone Bad
Date: 07/23/2015
Views: 13233
Keywords: Donald Trump, John McCain, Scott Walker, media, 2016 presidential campaign, science, climate change, mom, insults, nativism, Latinos, Mexicans, rapists, scro science, wacko birds, tone, deadpan, calm, Iran, stupidity
Jeb Bush is a Devout Catholic
Date: 03/21/2015
Views: 12254
Keywords: hypocrisy, Jeb Bush, 2016 presidential campaign, Catholicism, Roman Catholic, devout, Catholic Church, religion, pope, social safety net, poor, war, Iraq, Afghanistan, mass, ISIS, Iran, capital punishment, death penalty