Keyword Album: An
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4657 items
No Starlets
Date: 10/20/2017
Views: 6946
Keywords: Harvey Weinstein, Quentin Tarantino, sexual harassment, Roman Polanski, rape, rapist, auteur, The Pianist, Woody Allen, dirty old man, comic genius, compartmentalization, Weinstein Company
The Revolution Will Be Jerseyized
Date: 10/23/2017
Views: 6053
Keywords: sports, football, NFL, Colin Kaepernick, Tim Tebow, politics, jersey, shirt, bar, sports bar, commie, fascist, takeaknee, take a knee, national anthem
The Politics of Destruction
Date: 10/16/2017
Views: 15232
Keywords: politics, destruction, DLC, corporate Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Obamacare, corporations, extremism, Donald Trump, destroy, wreck, ruin, Iran, healthcare, ACA, North Korea, education, immigrants, xenophobia, environment, planeyt, LGBTQ, gays
The Predator Option
Date: 10/13/2017
Views: 7760
Keywords: Harvey Weinstein, sexual harassment, pile-on, misogyny, sexism, rape, workplace, feminism, women, producer, Weinstein Company
We Have Met "The Other" And They Are Us
Date: 10/11/2017
Views: 8195
Keywords: hurricane maria, puerto rico, territory, guam, geography, ignorance, education, foreign aid, sympathy, the other, philosophy, new mexico, core value, north korea, defense, war
Culture of Violence? Us?
Date: 10/09/2017
Views: 9263
Keywords: mass shootings, Las Vegas mass shooting, Route 91, culture of violence, war, militarism, iraq, afghanistan, death penalty, capital punishment, revenge, gun nuts, NRA
Can't Do Gun Control. How About Crazy Control?
Date: 10/05/2017
Views: 10756
Keywords: mass shootings, gun control, Las Vegas shooting, Route 91, crazy, Charles Manson, nuts, bonkers, psychiatry, psychology, regulation, congress, conflict of interest, mental illness, Paul Ryan, war militarism, trickle down economics, great britain
Freaked Out About Not Freaking Out About the Freak
Date: 10/02/2017
Views: 5165
Rise of the Brobots
Date: 10/06/2017
Views: 9595
Keywords: Silicon Valley, tech bros, sexism, misogny, gender, discrimination, feminism, feminists, chicks, PC nazis, women, workplace, taking over, companies, corporations