Keyword Album: hero
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 46 items
Date: 01/12/2016
Views: 14757
Keywords: David Bowie, Sputnik News, music, obituary cartoon, death, rock n roll, fascism, Diamond Dogs, Heroes, Heathen, celebrity, fashion, legacy, mortality
Bush's Exit Interview
Date: 10/25/2017
Views: 11738
Keywords: afterlife, heaven, hell, god, exit interview, George W. Bush, criticism, Donald Trump, final judgement, drones, Iraq, Afghanistan, Democray, hero, hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, Bush Administration
American Heroes in the Age of Trump
Date: 01/25/2017
Views: 13773
Keywords: heroes, ethics, GOP, Republicans, militarism, soldiers, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, transition of power, journalists, media, reporters, fascism, fascists, Democrats, Congress
Hillary Clinton's Bizarro Pro-Islamism
Date: 08/03/2016
Views: 9722
Keywords: Khizr Khan, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, 2016 presidential campaign, Iraq, war, militarism, vote, army captain, war hero, double agent, Muslims, bigotry, immigration
White Drug
Date: 11/02/2015
Views: 7056
Keywords: heroin, smack, junkie, drugs, narcotics, War on Drugs, racism, race relations, rehab, treatment, sister
The Ferguson Effect
Date: 10/28/2015
Views: 8707
Keywords: Batman, Robin, superheroes, Batcave, crime, James Comey, FBI Director, Black Lives Matter, phone cameras, hashtags, police brutality, police shootings
Drone Nation Is Coming
Date: 03/04/2015
Views: 8035
Keywords: drones, UAVs, Predator, Reaper, warfare, militarism, domestic policing, fugitives, hero, media, tracking, suspect, signature strikes
Cinematic Heroes of the Terror Wars
Date: 01/26/2015
Views: 8984
Keywords: Iraq, Afghanistan, sniper, Clint Eastwood, torture, torturer, drone, droning, heroes, heroism, wars, militarism, movie, film, assassins, American Sniper
Know Your Level
Date: 08/02/2013
Views: 12998
Keywords: PFC Bradley Manning, Iraqi civilians, WikiLeaks, Jullian Assangem, heroism, traitor, treason, Adolf Hitler, Paris, heirarchy, militarism, justice, privacy, torture, transparency, World War II, leaks