Keyword Album: Chuck Schumer
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 10 items
How the "Democratic Resistance" Would Have Fought the Nazis
Date: 03/07/2025
Views: 2770
Keywords: Court system, Democrats, chuck Schumer, resistance, #Resistance, Typewriter, Nazis, World War II, Deportations, Camps, court System, Courts, Appellate Division, Oral Arguments, Ex Parte, Amicus Brief
We're the Conserva-teases!
Date: 02/18/2022
Views: 9943
Keywords: US Senate, tease, Chuck Schumer, moderates, centrist, GOP, Republican, Susan Collins, Maine, Mitt Romney, Utah, bipartisan, bipartisanship, Lisa Murkowski, supreme court confirmation hearings
To Err Is Human, to Mess up Big-Time Is Democratic
Date: 03/17/2021
Views: 8152
Democrats Will Have So Many Excuses Not to Impeach Trump They'll Make Him Look Sane
Date: 01/04/2019
Views: 6236
"Resistance" Democrats Promise Bipartisanship with the Same Republicans They Called Scum
Date: 11/12/2018
Views: 9120
Keywords: Bipartisanship, Democrats, Andrew Cuomo, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, unity, militarism, wars, prisoners, resistance, blood, Chuck Schumer, 2018 midterm elections
In the End, All We May Get Out of Robert Mueller is a Big Fat Report
Date: 06/15/2018
Views: 6851
Subcomandante El Schumer
Date: 01/29/2018
Views: 7183
Keywords: Chuck Schumer, Democrats, sell out, immigration, border wall, dictator, Mexico, jujitsu, subcomandante, DACA, dreamers
Our Two Parties, Explained
Date: 11/03/2017
Views: 7006
Trump Really Will Drain the Swamp, But Not How You Think
Date: 05/19/2017
Views: 5832
Keywords: Donald Trump, drain, swamp, impeachment, Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, Chuck Schumer, extortion, corruption, Mitch McConnell, collusion