Keyword Album: Uranium
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4 items
Which West Coast City Should Be Nuked?
Date: 12/06/2017
Views: 10161
Keywords: Kim Jong-Un, North Korea, Los Angeles, west coast, Seattle, Portland, hipsters, Silicon Valley, San Francisco, LAPD, Robert Downey, Jr., Uranium, organic, sexism, sexual discrimination, workplace, radiation
Liberals Make a Difference
Date: 11/03/2009
Views: 11826
Keywords: Afghanistan, Bombing, Predator, Hellfire, Missile, Civilians, Collateral Damage, Depleted Uranium, 100% Sustainable, Local, Organic, Marketing, War on Terrorism, Liberals, Obama
The Penultimate Sacrifice
Date: 09/21/2009
Views: 10883
Keywords: Afghanistan, Vietnam War Memorial, Washington D.C., Groundskeeper Willie, Sod, Grass, Gardening, Arlington Cemetery, Casket, Soldier, Lawn Squad, Militarism, War, Depleted Uranium, Agent Orange
Don't Mess with the U.S.
Date: 02/19/2007
Views: 15673
Keywords: Iran, Iraq, Meddling, Weapons, IEDs, Bush, Hypocrisy, War, Terror, Terrorism, War on Terror, War on Terrorism, Uranium, Internal Affairs, Troop, Troops, Surge, AK-47s, Machine Guns, Pistols