Keyword Album: facial recognition
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6 items
Kojak, Jr.
Date: 03/13/2023
Views: 7829
Keywords: Kojak, 1970s television, telly Savalas, facial recognition, software, state troopers, drone, big tech, triangulation, cell phone, DNA, 23 and me, tesla, chill, police, detective, technology
Promises Kept
Date: 11/10/2021
Views: 10737
Keywords: Facial recognition software, big brother, 1984, freedom, Facebook, George Orwell, climate change, global warming, apocalypse, Glasgow climate conference, carbon neutral, China, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, promises kept
For $2500 You Could Now Murder Anyone You Want Using a Remote Drone
Date: 02/21/2018
Views: 12601
Keywords: Skydio, R1, Autonomous drones, consumer drones, dystopia, dystopian, science fiction, facial recognition software, tech, technology, future shock, firearms, guns, pistol, assassinations, murder, crime, killing
Too Pig To Fail
Date: 12/14/2017
Views: 10045
Keywords: backlash, sexual assault, Al Franken, Roy Moore, Harvey Weinstein, sexual harassment, women, men, law and punishment, justice, fairness, parking ticket, Donald Trump, misogynist, iPhone X, facial recognition
Coming Soon
Date: 06/11/2014
Views: 10632
Keywords: Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, police, license plate scanners, drones, reincarnation, Hinduism, dictatorship, NSA, National Security Agency, police state, surveillance, facial recognition software
Date: 08/26/2013
Views: 9837
Keywords: Homeland Security, HomeSec, BOSS, biometric optical surveillance system at stand-off distance, facial recognition software, privacy, technology, Obama, bar, big brother, generi-face