Hey Democrats, How Did Blocking Bernie Work Out For You Last Time
Date: 04/24/2019
Views: 9732
Keywords: Angela Merkel, Germany, Nazis, definition of insanity, do-over, mullet, hairdo, barbershop, hairstylist, 1970 nostalgia, Milli Vanilli, record agent, Hollywood, Bernie Sanders, corporate Democrats, corporate donors, Hillary Clinton
So You Want To Run for the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States
Date: 01/18/2019
Views: 11561
Keywords: Kamala Harris, Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, progressive, hypocrisy, Republican, bank, war, military budgets, free trade, NAFTA, corporate donors, drones, migrant workers, identity politics, inspiring, biracial, LGBTQIA, purity tests
Why Don't Democrats Really Care About the Tax Cuts for the Rich?
Date: 12/18/2017
Views: 8595
Keywords: Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Democrats, corporate donors, campaign finance, political corruption, Washington, leash, dog, snow, townhouse, political money, campaign contributions