Keyword Album: climate change
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 96 items
Date: 12/22/2016
Views: 12936
Keywords: meteorology, weather, Sputnik News, Christmas, jetski, jet ski, Santa Claus, sleigh, sled, melt, North Pole, Arctic, ice cap, melting, reindeer, holidays, climate change, global warming, Yelp
The World According to Trump
Date: 01/12/2018
Views: 10327
Keywords: climate change, immigration, Trump, . shithole countries, Norway, Kim Jong-Un, North Korea, nuclear weapons, map, Hawaii, Australia, Iran, dump, shithole, refugees, migrants, terror, orientals, global warming, oil drilling, Mar-e-Lago, world
Party Like It's 1999 Degrees
Date: 09/27/2017
Views: 10114
Keywords: climate change, planet, pollution, environment, Humvee, Hummer 4, car, earth, internal combustion engine, industrialization, recycling, green, trash, sort, global warming, Tesla, bazooka, ecology, hope
Liberal Listening Tour
Date: 06/05/2017
Views: 11525
Keywords: bubble, 2016 presidential election, liberals, listening, Trump, Midwest, heartland, Mexicans, illegal immigrants, global warming, climate change, angels, Saddam, 9/11, Obama, Muslim
Santa Claus, 2015 Edition
Date: 12/22/2015
Views: 9399
Keywords: Santa Claus, Christianity, myths, religion, climate change, polar ice cap, slush, elves, keyless entry systems, hacking, H1B visas, plastic island, ocean, ISIS, NSA
Stupid Ideas Fine, Stupid Tone Bad
Date: 07/23/2015
Views: 13639
Keywords: Donald Trump, John McCain, Scott Walker, media, 2016 presidential campaign, science, climate change, mom, insults, nativism, Latinos, Mexicans, rapists, scro science, wacko birds, tone, deadpan, calm, Iran, stupidity
Militarize Climate Change!
Date: 05/27/2015
Views: 10175
Keywords: science, climate change, ISIS, Muslims, war on terror, global warming, Barack Obama, national security, militarization, militarism, cluster bombs, death star, drones
The Plan
Date: 04/10/2015
Views: 16059
Keywords: Los Angeles times, California, environment, local cartoon, Mayor, Eric Garcetti, greenhouse gas emissions, drought, electric cars, climate change, automobiles, cars, Godzilla, monster, Pacific Ocean, religion, God, human extinction
Red State Football
Date: 11/06/2014
Views: 12235
Keywords: football, boxing, head injuries, concussion, Breaking Modern, sports, freelance cartoon, climate change denialism, Obama haters, attack ads, liberals, conservatives, Democrats, Republicans