Keyword Album: New York City
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 14 items
They Can Have Our Trains
Date: 04/05/2024
Views: 6612
Keywords: railway, moon, defense department, northrop grumman, darpa, space, exploration, railroad, trains, subway, new york city, subway crime, infrastructure
Date: 11/13/2019
Views: 9685
Keywords:, Michael Bloomberg, 2020 Democratic primaries, billionaire, wealth, Mike Bloomberg, New York City, out of touch, cluelessness, bubble, 2020 presidential campaign
When the Job Market Shifts, Always Remember That It's All Your Fault
Date: 02/12/2018
Views: 10559
Keywords: Doug Schifter, black car, taxis, Uber, Lyft, driving, ride sharing, NYC, New York City, adapt, comments, New York Times, capitalism, disruption, cabbies, cabbys, app, heartlessness, job retraining
Date: 02/16/2015
Views: 7609
Date: 04/08/2016
Views: 8984
Keywords: SFO, San Francisco, BART, public transit, mass transit, NYC, New York City, tech boom, Google. pot, marijuana, income inequality, infrastructure, Muni
Date: 07/15/2015
Views: 8171
Keywords: Eric Garner, ICan'tBreathe, breathe, police brutality, lawsuit, settlement, responsibility, NYPD, police, Al Sharpton, Bill deBlasio, New York City, cops
But the President is a Black Man
Date: 12/05/2014
Views: 9206
Keywords: racism, President Obama, Eric Garner, police brutality, video, Staten Island, grand jury, obituary cartoon, race relations, NYPD, New York City, chokehold
The Climate Change Divide Explained
Date: 05/12/2014
Views: 9343
Keywords: National Climactic Data Center, global warming, climate change, report, study, universe, philosophy, perception, reality, New York City, media, Southern California, Hamptons beach house
Small Government? It's Here
Date: 11/05/2012
Views: 9645
Keywords: libertarianism, Hurricane Sandy, flooding, New York City, infrastructure, levees, flood walls, emergency services, automobiles, fuel efficiency, federal regulations, zoning laws, small government, Ayn Rand