Keyword Album: operation
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 20 items
Date: 04/23/2020
Views: 6249
Keywords: Sputnik news, operation America strong, COVID-19, healthcare workers, Thunderbirds, blue angels, militarism, Donald Trump, coronavirus, F-18 hornet, masks
Date: 11/28/2019
Views: 13824
Keywords:, Silicon Valley, Google, search engine, union, organizing, crackdown, labor, management, union organizing, people operations, HR, human resources, Mitu movement, Chinese censorship, Pentagon, free speech, first amendment
Date: 01/07/2015
Views: 6994
Repeal and Reject
Date: 01/23/2017
Views: 8582
Keywords: Obamacare, repeal, reject, Affordable Care Act, ACA, patients, healthcare, medical, operation, doctor, nurse, emergency room, operating room
The Party of Yes Sir, May I Please Have Another
Date: 12/06/2016
Views: 14272
Keywords: John Boehner, Barack Obama, Republicans, filibustering, party of no, Donald Trump, Andrew Cuomo, capitulation, common ground, cooperation, infrastructure, death camp, construction, sell out, wimp, useless, ineffective
A Mandate for Nothing
Date: 09/02/2016
Views: 7299
Pissed Off
Date: 04/25/2016
Views: 10173
Keywords: cis, trans, transgender rights, urinationnation, urination, defecation, scatology, pee, poop, piss, shit, penis, North Carolina, bathroom law, discrimination, bigotry, piss off, pee off, operation diarrhea, restrooms, LGBT, LGBTQA
Date: 01/07/2015
Views: 8064
Best System Over
Date: 11/18/2014
Views: 8712
Keywords: democracy, 2016 presidential campaign, campaign finance, Citizens United, Super PAC, Ready for Hillary, politics, ground operation, ideas, people, consultant, cash machine, path, principles, Democrats, Hillary Rodham Clinton