Keyword Album: president
Date: 01/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 642 items
George Bush, Common Man
Date: 11/27/1991
Views: 6198
Not a Dictatorship
Date: 09/04/2006
Views: 14349
Keywords: Dictatorship, President, Autocrat, Bush, George W. Bush, United States, Election, Campaign, Elections, Politics, Constitution, Media, Impunity, Party, Democrats, Republicans, GOP, Dictator, Tyrant, Despot
How Dick Cheney Does It
Date: 10/03/2005
Views: 5543
The Geneva Conventions by Nation
Date: 09/21/2006
Views: 17128
Keywords: Geneva, Geneva Conventions, Terrorism, Enemy Combattants, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Bagram, Bush, President, McCain, Warner, Senators, Republicans, Interrogations, Secret Prisons, CIA, Torture, Afghanistan, Italy, Germany, United States, Australia, POWs, Detaine
Nice Democracy You Got There
Date: 08/17/2006
Views: 14988
Keywords: Concentration Camps, Guantanamo, Freedom isn't free, Fascism, Shampoo, Airport, Security, Terrorism, 9/11, September 11, Bush, White House, Administration, President, NSA, National Security Agency, Spying, Domestic Surveillance, Police, Checpoints, Toothp
Dick Cheney Stars In: "I'm Here to Help!"
Date: 08/12/2006
Views: 13135
Keywords: Primaries, Lieberman, Connecticut, Senate, Senator, Congress, Pundit, Cheney, Vice President, Bush, Chai, Osama, bin Laden, Liberalism, DLC, Moderation, Swing Voters
Signing Letter
Date: 07/31/2006
Views: 10458
Keywords: Signing Letters, Executive Orders, Unitary Executive, Bush, George W. Bush, President, Presidency, Laws, Bills, Congress, Legislature, Executive, Torture, Geneva, Geneva Conventions, This is torture, Oval Office, White House
Wartime IQ Test
Date: 06/26/2006
Views: 15479
Keywords: Iraq, War, Wartime, Test, IQ, I.Q., Intelligence, Distraction, Afghanistan, Training Camps, Al Qaeda, Osama, bin Laden, Pakistan, 9/11, War on Terror, Rawalpindi, Military, Hospital, Woman, Women, President, Terrorists, Terrorist, Financing, Liberation
Moving the Goalposts
Date: 06/17/2006
Views: 12465
Keywords: al-Zarqawi, Iraq, war, bushists, bush, president, goals, ambitious, easy, victory, imminent, around, corner, God, kill, U.S., insurgent, Amman, Baghdad, highway, rumble strip, rumble, strip, Hilla, glorious, Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, golf, shot