Keyword Album: oregon
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 5 items
Date: 07/23/2021
Views: 4377
Keywords:, heat dome, climate change, environment, global warming, haze, wildfires, Oregon, air conditioning, SUV, Siberia
Cops to People: We Quit. People to Cops: Good.
Date: 06/23/2021
Views: 8700
Keywords: Police brutality, Black Lives Matter, violence, appreciation, appreciate, mass resignation, quick, Portland, Oregon, cops, protest, crowd control unit
Date: 10/01/2015
Views: 10235
If I Told You, I'd Have To Piss You Off
Date: 11/08/2011
Views: 7942
Keywords: USA-Patriot Act, Ron Wyden, Oregon, Democrats, Senate, Mark Udall, Drone Planes, Fear, Government Secrecy, Opposite, Protesters
It Can't Happen Here
Date: 06/22/2000
Views: 12640
Keywords: environment, ecology, suv, colorado, arizona, new mexico, wyoming, oregon, california, faulty wiring, wild fires, iceberg, global warming, antartica, hawaii