Keyword Album: Ra
Date: 03/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4044 items
Support Our Psychos
Date: 07/18/2006
Views: 12852
Keywords: Support, Troops, Our, Support Our Troops, War, Iraq, Bush, GOP, Republican, Republicans, Haditha, Soldier, Massacre, Soldiers, Sadists, Continued, Pedophiles, Rapist, Rapists, Murderer, Murderers, War Crimes
A Tale of Two TVs
Date: 07/10/2006
Views: 13522
Keywords: Media, Television, News, TV, Iraq, War, United States, US, U.S., Bush, Rape, Rapists, Military, America, Americans, Apologists, Reputation, War on Terror, Bad Apples, Rotten Apples
Free Market Healthcare
Date: 07/02/2006
Views: 10514
Keywords: Free Market, Healthcare, Optical, Nematode, Nematodes, Single-Payer, Socialized, Medicine, Doctor, Patient, College, Gates, Buffett, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Research, Disease, Cure, $60 Billion, Brain
Americans Vote Personality, Not Politics
Date: 06/08/2006
Views: 8057
Left Pundit vs. Right Pundit
Date: 06/06/2006
Views: 6283
Keywords: Left Pundit vs. Right Pundit, Pundit, Left, Right, Liberal, Conservative, Wrong, Paid Once, Paid Twice, Books, Book Sales
The Last of the Long John Silvers
Date: 06/04/2006
Views: 5967
The Best Defense
Date: 06/30/2006
Views: 9618
Keywords: Disclosure, Bush, Spying, NSA, Domestic, Surveillance, Upskirt, Condi, Rice, Snooping, Banking, Records, TIA, Total Information Awareness, Program, Secret, Espionage
Wartime IQ Test
Date: 06/26/2006
Views: 15765
Keywords: Iraq, War, Wartime, Test, IQ, I.Q., Intelligence, Distraction, Afghanistan, Training Camps, Al Qaeda, Osama, bin Laden, Pakistan, 9/11, War on Terror, Rawalpindi, Military, Hospital, Woman, Women, President, Terrorists, Terrorist, Financing, Liberation
A Little Critique
Date: 06/24/2006
Views: 15609
Keywords: War, Postwar, Planning, Defense, Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror, DOD, Rumsfeld, Bush, Criticism, Soldiers, POWs, Prisoners, Germans, Nazis, World War II, Surrender, Loss, Counterinsurgency, Insurgency, Insurgents, DOD\, Occupation, Plans, Plan