Keyword Album: embassy
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 8 items
We're Going to Need a Bigger Editor
Date: 04/12/2024
Views: 7126
Keywords: propaganda, Havana syndrome, crickets, insects, Cold War, messaging, Cuba, Embassy, sonic warfare, Joe Biden, poster, editor
Date: 12/05/2017
Views: 11796
Keywords: Sputnik News, Jerusalem, Trump, embassy, Tel Aviv, Middle East, intafada, Arabs, Israel, palestine, tax plan, healthcare, impeachment
This is What Self-Deportation Looks Like
Date: 09/08/2017
Views: 9347
Keywords: Spanish, loco, Honduras, DREAM Act, DREAMers, border control, translation, English, DACA, Donald Trump, immigration, airport, job, wifi, Uber, embassy
If Obama Had Been President in 1975
Date: 06/20/2014
Views: 9859
Keywords: militarism, Iraq, Obama, military advisers, Saigon, evacuation, classic photograph, embassy, Vietnam War, Iraq War, Maliki, special forces, helicopter, refugees, evacuees
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About "Terrprist Chatter"
Date: 08/09/2013
Views: 13886
Keywords: war on terror, terrorism, Internet, chat rooms, text messaging, phones, NSA, embassy closings, National Security Agency, radical Islam, Koran, trolls, Godwin's Law, scams, Nigerian scams, listicles, burqas, virgins, grumpy cat, New Yorker cartoon
A Remarkable Coincidence
Date: 08/08/2013
Views: 8599
Keywords: National Security Agency, NSA, privacy rights, surveillance, AL Qaeda, terrorist plots, embassy closings, Congress, gullibility, ID, birthdate
At Least We're Consistent
Date: 12/08/2012
Views: 8385
Keywords: Mohammed Morsi, Egypt, Constitutional Crisis, U.S. foreign policy, Hosni Mubarak, Arab Spring, Embassy, State Department, dictator, constitution, revolution
Veterans of Foolish Wars
Date: 05/13/2000
Views: 14406
Keywords: panama, vatican embassy, ant killer, marines, bruce springsteen, grenada, boy george, somalia, vietnam, militarism, war, war memorial, congress, bad vacation