Keyword Album: he
Date: 12/19/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 1782 items
Date: 01/05/2018
Views: 16817
Keywords: Sputnik News, books, presidents, Bill Clinton, Howard Taft, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, manslut, senile, old, drink, alcoholic, secret service, mistress, cat around, cheat, fire and fury, Michael Wolff
Date: 03/30/2017
Views: 9555
Keywords: George W. Bush, Trump, inauguration, Dick Cheney, John Kerry, 9/11, painting, feet, bath, weird, Iraq War, WMDs
Date: 12/05/2017
Views: 11096
Keywords: Sputnik News, Jerusalem, Trump, embassy, Tel Aviv, Middle East, intafada, Arabs, Israel, palestine, tax plan, healthcare, impeachment
Date: 09/26/2017
Views: 8554
Keywords: Game of Thrones, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., inheritance, Tiffany Trump, Cersei, Mother of Dragons, Hodor, Arya Stark, Mad King, nuclear codes
Date: 08/24/2017
Views: 9151
Keywords: Trump, Twitter, Tweet, perigee, eclipse, Obama, Sputnik News, Mitch McConnell, supermoon, lunar, astronomy, Great American Eclipse, astronomical phenomena
Date: 04/20/2017
Views: 8693
Keywords: Sputnik News, poll, United Airlines, Dr. David Dao, popularity, approval, Donald Trump, White House, herpes, taxes, UAL
Date: 03/17/2017
Views: 9133
Keywords: Sputnik News, laptop, theft, thief, Hillary Clinton, Trump Tower, evacuation plan, Ivanka Trump, QVC, email, tax returns, Secret Service
Date: 06/27/2017
Views: 9950
Keywords: Sputnik News, dogs, cats, pets, animals, obesity, fat, overweight, chubby, health, tv, hypocrisy
Date: 09/05/2017
Views: 8032