Keyword Album: Defense contractors
Date: 03/29/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 7 items
The House Always Wins
Date: 03/14/2022
Views: 8387
Keywords: Defense Contractors, Military Industrial Complex, Joe Biden, Russia, Ukraine, Raytheon Defense, Weapons, Quagmire, Stalemate, Warfare, War
John Bolton May Be Nuts But He'll Be Good For One Important Sector of the U.S. Economy
Date: 03/30/2018
Views: 10603
Keywords: Defense contractors, stock market, New York Stock Exchange, NYSE, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, general dynamics, Boeing, Iran, North Korea, John Bolton, national security advisor, NSA, Donald Trump, Northrop Grumman
Date: 06/17/2016
Views: 13582
Keywords: Sputnik News, Lockheed Martin, defense contractors, military, fighter jets, F-35, Canada, Justin Trudeau, extortion, jobs, NAFTA
Hillary's Secret Meetings
Date: 01/09/2014
Views: 6929
Obama To Arm Assad Against US-Armed Anti-Assad Rebels
Date: 12/06/2013
Views: 8889
Keywords: Syria, Assad, civil war, Obama, defense contractors, Lockheed Martin, jihadis, war on terror, blowback, foreign policy, Middle East
Canyon of Heroes
Date: 12/02/2002
Views: 10334
Keywords: 9/11, pentagon, world trade center, united flight 93, flight 11, homeland security, bush, defense contractors, airlines, unions, eli lilly, autism, recession, tax cuts
Falling Down 2
Date: 03/28/1993
Views: 7268