Keyword Album: social media
Date: 03/29/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 56 items
Date: 12/10/2019
Views: 14539
Date: 03/19/2019
Views: 6062
Here's Why Democrats Did Their Lame Pro Forma Impeachment of Trump
Date: 01/22/2020
Views: 7293
Keywords: impeachment, pro forma, Donald Trump, witnesses, subpoena, bipartisanship, consensus, ciount, tweet, twitter, social media, smart
If Watergate Happened Now the Press Would Be Too Busy Reporting on Tweets
Date: 12/11/2018
Views: 7561
Keywords: twitter, social media, tweet, woodward, watergate, bernstein, washington post, media, news, journalism, reporting, priorities
Donald Trump Insult-Tweets Sweet Baby Jesus But It Doesn't Matter
Date: 11/21/2018
Views: 8136
Keywords: Donald Trump, Twitter, social media, insults, Tweets, Kellyanne Conway, Latino, racism, religion, Jesus, sweet baby, wuss, Romans
I Am Extremely Proud of my Facebook Friends Because They Are Smarter Than Most People
Date: 04/13/2018
Views: 8969
Keywords: Cambridge analytica, Facebook, social media, scandal, Mark Zuckerberg, population, psychological questionnaire, intelligence, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, FOXNews
Face It, Facebook Has Us Where Mark Zuckerberg Wants Us
Date: 04/04/2018
Views: 8834
Keywords: Online dating, tender, Facebook, Facebook connect, phone, Internet, privacy, Mark Zuckerberg, delete Facebook, social media, Café, photo, hot, attractive, sexy
Date: 04/27/2016
Views: 9552
Keywords: social media, workplace, Forbes, slack, messages, office, alienation, laptops, computers, text messages, communications
Date: 12/02/2016
Views: 9401