Keyword Album: Trump
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 834 items
Trump Does the Same Awful Stuff as Other Presidents But He Does It a Bit Too Much
Date: 08/03/2018
Views: 18401
Keywords: presidency, presidents, comparison, Tonkin Gulf, LBJ, Lyndon Johnson, Vietnam War, Trump, lie, lying, Bush, WMDs, Iraq, Obama, press conferences, Fake News, media, journalism, Reagan, Afghanistan, jihadis, mujahedeen, Truman, nukes, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, N
Date: 07/22/2018
Views: 9239
Keywords: Trump, impeachment, Russiagate, cockamamie, conspiracy theory, Mueller investigation, wars, militarism, Hitler, World War II, Resistance, SS
Only in a Binary Society is it Impossible to Hate Both Trump and the FBI
Date: 07/23/2018
Views: 11651
Keywords: Russia, Trump, NSA, CIA, FBI, intelligence community, Russiagate, collusion, Mueller investigation, binary society/, zeros, netflix, hulu, Democrat, Republican, HBO Go, DVDs, stab, shoot, gun, duopoly, two-party system
Date: 07/11/2018
Views: 20274
Keywords: Democrats, cynicism, Donald Trump, Anthony Kennedy, Brett Kavanaugh, abortion, pro-choice, catholic, Europe, legalization, Supreme Court, SCOTUS, Hillary Clinton, Denmark, Bernie Sanders
Trump is Creating Thousands of Jobs and I Have Held All of Them
Date: 07/18/2018
Views: 7867
Keywords: Trump, economy, jobs, employment, unemployment, Uber, Lyft, gig economy, quality, taxi, income
Relationship Counseling for Donald Trump and Donald Tusk of the EU
Date: 07/20/2018
Views: 6224
The Epic Battle Over Anthony Kennedy's Replacement Is the Charadiest of All Charades Ever
Date: 07/09/2018
Views: 4576
First I Said Nothing Because The Bad Man Was a Democrat
Date: 07/03/2018
Views: 7465
Keywords: Honduras, Zelaya, coup d'etat, CIA, Obama, blowback, illegal immigration, Trump, hypocrisy, migrants, political refugees
Actually, Forced Child Separations Are All-American
Date: 06/25/2018
Views: 12126
Keywords: illegal immigration, ethics, children, forced separations, ICE, immigration and customs enforcement, morals, Donald Trump, slavery, slave auction, Indians, Native-American genocide, Nissei, World War II, Japanese-American internment camps