Keyword Album: FBI
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 49 items
Date: 10/11/2019
Views: 7659
Keywords: Melania Trump, FBI, Robert Mueller, Russia probe, sputnik news, Donald Trump, Raleigh, agents, lovey-dovey, sweet nothings, Lisa page, Peter Strzok
Date: 03/21/2018
Views: 6396
The Report from On High
Date: 10/08/2018
Views: 5938
After a Lot of Hype, Russian Interference Turns Out Not to Amount to Much
Date: 08/06/2018
Views: 10615
Keywords: CIA, Central intelligence agency, FBI, Federal Bureau of investigation, Russian interference, NSA, national security agency, Dan coats, director of national intelligence, divisive issues, racism, economic disparity, income disparity, inequality, militaris
Only in a Binary Society is it Impossible to Hate Both Trump and the FBI
Date: 07/23/2018
Views: 11651
Keywords: Russia, Trump, NSA, CIA, FBI, intelligence community, Russiagate, collusion, Mueller investigation, binary society/, zeros, netflix, hulu, Democrat, Republican, HBO Go, DVDs, stab, shoot, gun, duopoly, two-party system
In an Alternative Universe, There Is a Trump Who Cares About Us, and We Care About Things That Matter
Date: 04/20/2018
Views: 15208
Keywords: Impeachment, Donald Trump, media, journalism, Robert Mueller, FBI, political police, CIA, Mexico, border wall, illegal immigrants, communist revolution, income disparity, Russia investigation, climate change, retirement crisis, student loans, evidence, lo
Which Side Are You On? You Must Choose Trump or the FBI
Date: 02/19/2018
Views: 7778
Keywords: FBI, NSA, intelligence community, CIA, black panthers, Fred Hampton, 1960s, Salvador Allende, coup d'état, Chile, Argentina, South America, Latin America, Donald Trump, two sides, binary
In Which the Democratic Party Sucks Up to the FBI of all People
Date: 02/14/2018
Views: 10356
Keywords: FBI, Robert Mueller, liberals, Russia investigation, carpal tunnel syndrome, progressives, torture, Gitmo, Guantanamo, aggressive wars, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris
Date: 05/13/2016
Views: 12235
Keywords: Forbes, Cartoon of the Day, The X-Files, Scully, Mulder, Area 51, aliens, UFOs, space, conspiracy, TV, television, HIllary Clinton, 2016 presidential campaign, FBI, promise, Goldman Sachs, Bernie Sanders, speeches, transcripts