Keyword Album: NSA
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 163 items
Official Rhetoric About Leakers and Whistleblowers, Translated
Date: 05/04/2019
Views: 7185
Keywords: Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, national security, Rachel Maddow, television, translation, murderers, arrogant, skull, weird, insane
Hey Democrats, How Did Blocking Bernie Work Out For You Last Time
Date: 04/24/2019
Views: 9732
Keywords: Angela Merkel, Germany, Nazis, definition of insanity, do-over, mullet, hairdo, barbershop, hairstylist, 1970 nostalgia, Milli Vanilli, record agent, Hollywood, Bernie Sanders, corporate Democrats, corporate donors, Hillary Clinton
After All the Crap He Pulled, What Got Everyone Angry at Trump was His Moves Toward Peace
Date: 01/02/2019
Views: 9300
Keywords: James Mattis, pissed off, Trump, militarism, war, Syria, troops, Middle East, trade wars, emoluments, porn stars, insanity, killing migrant kids, collusion
After a Lot of Hype, Russian Interference Turns Out Not to Amount to Much
Date: 08/06/2018
Views: 10615
Keywords: CIA, Central intelligence agency, FBI, Federal Bureau of investigation, Russian interference, NSA, national security agency, Dan coats, director of national intelligence, divisive issues, racism, economic disparity, income disparity, inequality, militaris
Only in a Binary Society is it Impossible to Hate Both Trump and the FBI
Date: 07/23/2018
Views: 11651
Keywords: Russia, Trump, NSA, CIA, FBI, intelligence community, Russiagate, collusion, Mueller investigation, binary society/, zeros, netflix, hulu, Democrat, Republican, HBO Go, DVDs, stab, shoot, gun, duopoly, two-party system
The President Is Unhinged Yet We Aren't All Dead Yet and That's Kind of Amazing
Date: 04/30/2018
Views: 9069
John Bolton May Be Nuts But He'll Be Good For One Important Sector of the U.S. Economy
Date: 03/30/2018
Views: 10595
Keywords: Defense contractors, stock market, New York Stock Exchange, NYSE, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, general dynamics, Boeing, Iran, North Korea, John Bolton, national security advisor, NSA, Donald Trump, Northrop Grumman
Which Side Are You On? You Must Choose Trump or the FBI
Date: 02/19/2018
Views: 7778
Keywords: FBI, NSA, intelligence community, CIA, black panthers, Fred Hampton, 1960s, Salvador Allende, coup d'état, Chile, Argentina, South America, Latin America, Donald Trump, two sides, binary
With Democrats Like Doug Jones, Who Needs Republicans?
Date: 02/05/2018
Views: 10242
Keywords: Doug Jones, upset victory, Alabama, US Senate, Democrats, surprise, NSA, Edward Snowden, disappointment, Mass surveillance, tweet, dreamers, DACA, abortion, identity politics