Keyword Album: he
Date: 03/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1794 items
Brett Kavanaugh Shows Why the US is the Bestest Country in the Whole Wide World
Date: 09/24/2018
Views: 8855
Keywords: Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, impeachment insurance, outlandish, doctrine of the unitary executive, perjury, stolen documents, piggery, sexual assault, sexual harrassment, vote with remote, reality tv
Trump: You Only Count as Dead if It Happens Right Away
Date: 09/17/2018
Views: 13200
Keywords: disasters, weather, hurricane, Puerto Rico, death toll, statistics, FEMA, hospital, road, radiation, A-bomb, Hiroshima, 9/11, asbestosis, Al Qaeda, World Trade Center, Osama bin Laden, drones, Syria, Libya, capitalism, responsibility
Democrats Said Brett Kavanaugh Would Bring the End Times. Why Are They So Polite To Him at His Confirmation Hearing?
Date: 09/10/2018
Views: 11375
Keywords: Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court, SCOTUS, Eva Braun, history, Adolf Hitler, flowers, nomination hearings, Fuhrer, softball, chill, Jews, anti-Semitism, Democrats, credulity
At the Brett Kavanaugh Hearing, Democrats Make a Not-So-Bold Stand for the #Resistance
Date: 09/06/2018
Views: 9890
Keywords: Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court, SCOTUS, Kamala Harris, talking over, interrupt, cowardice, Democrats, Democratic Resistance, parliamentary procedure, quorum, impotence, farce, charade, confirmation hearings, Senate Judiciary Committee
Trump Should Watch More Mafia Movies is he Wants to Remain President
Date: 08/27/2018
Views: 5948
Keywords: Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, elevator, present, plea bargain, Robert Mueller investigation, Russia gate, conviction, pardon, Gerald ford
The Enemies Within? They're the Boys in Blue
Date: 08/24/2018
Views: 10563
Keywords: Los Angeles Metro, subway, mass transit, transportation, terrorists, security, biometrics, Orwellian, 1984, database, cancer, thermal imagers, checkpoint, privacy rights
Trump Does the Same Awful Stuff as Other Presidents But He Does It a Bit Too Much
Date: 08/03/2018
Views: 18193
Keywords: presidency, presidents, comparison, Tonkin Gulf, LBJ, Lyndon Johnson, Vietnam War, Trump, lie, lying, Bush, WMDs, Iraq, Obama, press conferences, Fake News, media, journalism, Reagan, Afghanistan, jihadis, mujahedeen, Truman, nukes, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, N
Lock Up His Mouth
Date: 07/30/2018
Views: 15430
Date: 07/22/2018
Views: 9152
Keywords: Trump, impeachment, Russiagate, cockamamie, conspiracy theory, Mueller investigation, wars, militarism, Hitler, World War II, Resistance, SS