Keyword Album: p
Date: 01/13/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 5946 items
What If It's Another Gary Condit?
Date: 10/10/2018
Views: 6838
Date: 10/07/2018
Views: 7374
Keywords: Rape, sexuality, gender relations, boys, girls, sex, millennials, bar, rape culture, false accusation, Brett Kavanagh, supreme court nomination hearings
Capitalism Kills Mentally Ill Americans
Date: 10/05/2018
Views: 7284
Post-Kavanaugh Personnel Decisions
Date: 10/01/2018
Views: 7960
Keywords: Brett Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, rapists, corporation, CEOs, personnel decisions, business, IDs, layoffs, boardroom
What If White House Reporters Actually Held the President Accountable?
Date: 10/03/2018
Views: 6501
Keywords: journalism, reporters, journalists, white house press corps, press conference, shtick, rude, Trump, interruptions, dignity, self-respect
Brett Kavanaugh Shows Why the US is the Bestest Country in the Whole Wide World
Date: 09/24/2018
Views: 8579
Keywords: Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, impeachment insurance, outlandish, doctrine of the unitary executive, perjury, stolen documents, piggery, sexual assault, sexual harrassment, vote with remote, reality tv
Obama or Trump: Which President Gets Credit for the Economic Boom?
Date: 09/26/2018
Views: 8887
Keywords: economy, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, credit, economics, jobs, employment, boomlet, perception, hot dogs, boom
Sympathy for the Hardass Right-Wing Devil
Date: 09/18/2018
Views: 9755
Keywords: Brett Kavanaugh, hypocristy, SCOTUS, Supreme Court nominee, hardass, mean, cruel, Republican, GOP, tough on crime, excuses, mercy, warrant, civil rights, slut, abortion
If Other Nations Mourned Like the U.S.
Date: 09/19/2018
Views: 11417
Keywords: Vietnam War, Iraq War, 9/11, terrorism, mourning, war, militarism, Vietnam War Memorial Wall, bombing, ceremony, memorial, Baghdad, Putin, Russia, Soviet Union, World War II, relativism