Keyword Album: w
Date: 01/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4507 items
The Real Problem Isn't That Trump is an Idiot
Date: 10/24/2018
Views: 6672
We Must Sever Ties with Saudi Arabia. But We Can't.
Date: 10/16/2018
Views: 5337
Trump is Winning. Sure, the Country is Screwed But Who Cares?
Date: 10/17/2018
Views: 9994
Keywords: Brett Kavanaugh, winning, Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump, Oval Office, Supreme Court, Obamacare, partisan rancor, corrosion, civil culture, distrust of government, contempt for democracy, going, awesome
What Did You Do During the Climate Wars, Daddy?
Date: 10/15/2018
Views: 13727
Keywords: global warming, UN report, environmentalism, ecology, planet, earth, climate change, Thor, movies, film, entertainment, distraction, sporting events, lynx, nature specials, TV, television, pollution, apathy, ecocide, revolution, capitalism
What If It's Another Gary Condit?
Date: 10/10/2018
Views: 6827
What If White House Reporters Actually Held the President Accountable?
Date: 10/03/2018
Views: 6496
Keywords: journalism, reporters, journalists, white house press corps, press conference, shtick, rude, Trump, interruptions, dignity, self-respect
Brett Kavanaugh Shows Why the US is the Bestest Country in the Whole Wide World
Date: 09/24/2018
Views: 8560
Keywords: Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, impeachment insurance, outlandish, doctrine of the unitary executive, perjury, stolen documents, piggery, sexual assault, sexual harrassment, vote with remote, reality tv
Sympathy for the Hardass Right-Wing Devil
Date: 09/18/2018
Views: 9741
Keywords: Brett Kavanaugh, hypocristy, SCOTUS, Supreme Court nominee, hardass, mean, cruel, Republican, GOP, tough on crime, excuses, mercy, warrant, civil rights, slut, abortion
If Other Nations Mourned Like the U.S.
Date: 09/19/2018
Views: 11360
Keywords: Vietnam War, Iraq War, 9/11, terrorism, mourning, war, militarism, Vietnam War Memorial Wall, bombing, ceremony, memorial, Baghdad, Putin, Russia, Soviet Union, World War II, relativism