Keyword Album: N
Date: 03/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6670 items
If Watergate Happened Now the Press Would Be Too Busy Reporting on Tweets
Date: 12/11/2018
Views: 7473
Keywords: twitter, social media, tweet, woodward, watergate, bernstein, washington post, media, news, journalism, reporting, priorities
Google Maps is an Enigma Wrapped in a Logic Bomb
Date: 12/05/2018
Views: 6406
Keywords: Google maps, technology, logic, driving, Internet, traffic, traffic jam, google, Silicon Valley, GPS, global positioning satellite, automobile
How Kale Took Over the World
Date: 12/09/2018
Views: 5932
Keywords: Vegetables, diet, restaurant, food, eating, drinking, kale, leafy green vegetables, science, marketing, cartel
George H.W. Bush, RIP
Date: 12/03/2018
Views: 12666
Keywords: George H.W. Bush, POTUS, polite, civil, humble, patriotic, good man, ethics, crimes, war crimes, HIV-AIDS crisis, Willie Horton, Lee Atwater, Roger Ailes, Fox News, blacks, Colin Powell, Gulf War, Iraq, highway of death, obituary, recession, economy, pove
I've Always Wanted to Be Oppressed By Someone Who Looks Like Me
Date: 11/28/2018
Views: 12726
Keywords: Populism, minority, 2018 midterm elections, Congress, identity politics, LGBT, gays, lesbians, women, feminism, lobbyists, corruption, militarism, war
California Wildfire Victims As Martyrs to Capitalism
Date: 11/30/2018
Views: 8867
Keywords: Wildfires, California, Camp fire, drones, Iraq, Afghanistan, militarism, war, capitalism, poverty, hotels, vacation homes, second homes
How the US Uses Godawful Guys to Fight Bad Guys
Date: 11/26/2018
Views: 6757
Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Jamal Khashoggi, Iran, Donald Trump, murder, journalism, human rights, freedom of expression, diplomacy, corruption, consulate
Donald Trump Insult-Tweets Sweet Baby Jesus But It Doesn't Matter
Date: 11/21/2018
Views: 8072
Keywords: Donald Trump, Twitter, social media, insults, Tweets, Kellyanne Conway, Latino, racism, religion, Jesus, sweet baby, wuss, Romans
Just You Wait, History Proves That Someday Liberals Will Love Donald Trump
Date: 11/23/2018
Views: 9870
Keywords: history, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, rehabilitation, Republican presidents, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, rightward shift, Nancy Reagan, Vietnam War, China, Russia, diplomacy, racism, white nationalism