Imagine a Democratic President Who Fought As Hard for the Left As Trump Does For the Right
Date: 01/14/2019
Views: 12473
Keywords: Democrats, public option, Obamacare, progressive, rapists, minimum wage, scapegoats, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Trump, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, losers, rape, bankster, Democratic Party, wall, government shutdown, border
Here's the Weird Anti-Terrorist Trash Talk That Stayed on Donald Trump's Cutting Room Floor After the Manchester Attack
Date: 05/26/2017
Views: 10330
Keywords: Evil losers, ISIS, Manchester terrorist attack, middle school, trash talk, Donald Trump, rhetoric, infantile, dorks, fatties, insults, fags, Rosie O'Donnell, dummies, nerds, junior high school, spazzes, dweebs, suck
Chet's Employee Survival School
Date: 09/23/1995
Views: 11919