Keyword Album: Afghanistan
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 317 items
In Some Weird Countries, Elections Depend Entirely on Religious Fanatics
Date: 01/01/2020
Views: 8534
Keywords: Religion, Christian evangelist, Christianity today, Christian post, Koran, Islam, Afghanistan, elections, religious fanaticism, warring factions, impeachment, word of God, Bible, sanity, atheism
Remember When Military Veterans Ran on Actual Records of Accomplishment?
Date: 12/18/2019
Views: 6411
We're So Corrupt We Can Only Nail Politicians on a Technicality
Date: 04/05/2019
Views: 7788
Keywords: Al Capone, Joe Biden, 2020 presidential campaign, #MeToo, sexual harassment, microaggressions, sniffing, Bernie Sanders, militarism, war, busing, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hitler, frauleins
If the CIA Had Been Right, They Would Have Told Bush That Invading Afghanistan Would Cost $13 Trillion and Another Defeat
Date: 02/06/2019
Views: 9820
Keywords: George Tenet, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, CIA, Afghanistan, cost of war, debts, student loans, credit cards, mortgages, militarism, military, Al Qaeda, Pakistan, Situation Room, Osama bin Laden
Date: 12/28/2018
Views: 6738
California Wildfire Victims As Martyrs to Capitalism
Date: 11/30/2018
Views: 8950
Keywords: Wildfires, California, Camp fire, drones, Iraq, Afghanistan, militarism, war, capitalism, poverty, hotels, vacation homes, second homes
What Americans Want More Than Anything Else is Donald Trump's Tax Return
Date: 11/16/2018
Views: 12327
Keywords: Donald Trump, tax returns, subpoena, Democrats, House of Representatives, 2018 midterm elections, Afghanistan, bombing, pass-through avoidance entities, medical bills, affordable care act, child separation policy, illegal immigration, homelessness, food
Trump Does the Same Awful Stuff as Other Presidents But He Does It a Bit Too Much
Date: 08/03/2018
Views: 18401
Keywords: presidency, presidents, comparison, Tonkin Gulf, LBJ, Lyndon Johnson, Vietnam War, Trump, lie, lying, Bush, WMDs, Iraq, Obama, press conferences, Fake News, media, journalism, Reagan, Afghanistan, jihadis, mujahedeen, Truman, nukes, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, N
No Country Has Interefered with Other Countries' Elections More Than the US. Why Should Anyone Listen to Our Complaints About Russia?
Date: 02/26/2018
Views: 8775
Keywords: election, Russiagate, Russia, 2016 presidential election, hypocrisy, regime change, iraq, afghanistan, army checkpoint, occupation, drones