Keyword Album: Ra
Date: 12/26/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 4016 items
Left-Wing Hoaxers Are the Only Reason the Awesome Trump Administration Looks Bad
Date: 02/26/2019
Views: 8363
Keywords: hoax, Jussie Smollett, Empire, hate crime, hoaxers, Fox News, FOXNews, child separation policy, illegal immigration, ICE, Martin Sheen, actors, Democrats, techies, hacked, WTF, capitalism
You Can Support a Candidate You Agree With or One Who's Electable...Or So They Say
Date: 02/20/2019
Views: 6502
Keywords: moderates, extremists, Ronald Reagan, John Kasich, pundits, ideology, Barack Obama, settle, banks, deport, drone
e Need a Wall to Protect the Troops We Need Because There's Not a Wall
Date: 02/18/2019
Views: 7053
New Rule: Either Shut Up or, When Things Go Against You, Keep Talking
Date: 02/11/2019
Views: 7477
Keywords: Justin Fairfax, Virginia, Democrats, hypocrisy, awesome, race, blackface, racism, KKK, Klan, yearbook, scandal, toad, retro-racism, Quaadludes, ludes
Maybe We'll Invade Another Oil-Rich Politically Dysfunctional Sort of Socialist Country. What Could Go Wrong?
Date: 02/13/2019
Views: 5647
Keywords: Venezuela, Iraq, Gulf War, oil, militarism, war, corrupt, authoritarianism, WMDs, Al Qaeda, casus belli
Vote Centrist to Keep Things Exactly as Awful as They Are
Date: 02/15/2019
Views: 8996
Keywords: Nazis, Nazism, alternative history, fundamental assumptions, moderation, centrism, slave laborers, meals, identity politics, woman, fuhrer, death camps, ideology, candor, meet the press, chuck todd
Who's the Real Hero? Not the Person Who Enlists in America's Murderous Military
Date: 02/08/2019
Views: 6786
Keywords: liberalism, military, militarism, war, personal, poverty, economic opportunity, hillbilly elegy, mcdonald's, burger flipper, $9.66, ethics
Trump to Trans People: We Will No Longer Hire You to Kill People
Date: 01/28/2019
Views: 9210
Keywords: military, militarism, trump, transgender, LGBTQA. scotus, supreme court, career, capital punishment, death penalty, executioner, assassins, mafia, muslim, serial killer
Date: 01/28/2019
Views: 6314
Keywords: human flesh hunting, doxxing, internet rage, online, offline, revenge, trolling, outrage, scum, expelled, suicide, problem