Keyword Album: plastic
Date: 01/30/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 15 items
No Fish Would Be As Psychotic as We Humans
Date: 03/16/2019
Views: 6748
The Coffee Stirrer is the Ultimate American Thing
Date: 03/15/2018
Views: 8057
Keywords: environment, planet, ocean, waste, trash, ecology, garbage, plastic, straws, coffee stirrers, starbucks, ecocide, sierra club
Date: 04/07/2015
Views: 12949
Keywords: botox, dermatology, plastic surgery, celebrities, Madonna, Fredric Brandt,, suicide, depression, Netflix, Tina Fey, Martin Short, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Santa Claus, 2015 Edition
Date: 12/22/2015
Views: 9134
Keywords: Santa Claus, Christianity, myths, religion, climate change, polar ice cap, slush, elves, keyless entry systems, hacking, H1B visas, plastic island, ocean, ISIS, NSA
Fredric Schmidt
Date: 04/07/2015
Views: 13767
Keywords: botox, dermatology, plastic surgery, celebrities, Madonna, Fredric Brandt,, suicide, depression, Netflix, Tina Fey, Martin Short, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Plastic Bag Ban
Date: 01/29/2014
Views: 10417
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, plastic bag ban, California, terrorism, garroting, bicyclist, cyclist, villain, tree, environmentalism, pollution, litter
Plastic Bags
Date: 12/31/2013
Views: 7016
Profiteering in the Name of Environmentalism
Date: 04/25/2012
Views: 10933
Keywords: greenwashing, ecology, environmentalism, grocery stores, bags, plastic, cashier, tap water, restaurant, corporation, consumerism, lifestyle activism, towels, hotels, printed money, toxic inks, minting, currency, cash
Steve Jobs, RIP (Sneak Peak)
Date: 09/05/2011
Views: 13448
Keywords: Obituary Cartoons, iPad, iPod, Music Business, Records, CDs, iTunes, Steve Jobs, Apple Computer, White Plastic Box, Death, Satan, Devil, Legacy, 99 cents