Keyword Album: SS
Date: 12/30/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 2328 items
Finally, the Reason Congress Doesn't Care About You Even One Little Bit
Date: 03/22/2019
Views: 9369
Keywords: representative democracy, congress, income, salaries, wage gap, economics, rent, food, gas, doctors, education, prices, global warming, environment, climate change, polar bear, Trump, tweet
In 2020 Will Socialist Be A Smear? Or a Compliment?
Date: 03/14/2019
Views: 7735
Keywords: McCarthyism, Red Scare, socialism, socialist, 2020 presidential election, USSR, Soviet Union, capitalism, healthcare, unemployment, layoffs
People Should Have the Self-Discipline to Resist a Billion-Dollar Advertising and Marketing Behemoth
Date: 03/08/2019
Views: 5610
Democrats Are Gay for Robert Mueller and It's Getting Silly
Date: 02/27/2019
Views: 4186
Left-Wing Hoaxers Are the Only Reason the Awesome Trump Administration Looks Bad
Date: 02/26/2019
Views: 8382
Keywords: hoax, Jussie Smollett, Empire, hate crime, hoaxers, Fox News, FOXNews, child separation policy, illegal immigration, ICE, Martin Sheen, actors, Democrats, techies, hacked, WTF, capitalism
Vote Centrist to Keep Things Exactly as Awful as They Are
Date: 02/15/2019
Views: 9016
Keywords: Nazis, Nazism, alternative history, fundamental assumptions, moderation, centrism, slave laborers, meals, identity politics, woman, fuhrer, death camps, ideology, candor, meet the press, chuck todd
Howard Schultz: Another Businessman Who Says He Can Do To the Country What He Did for Business and Turns Out to be Stupid
Date: 02/04/2019
Views: 8567
Keywords: Starbucks, Howard Schultz, independent candidate, Medicare-for-all, free college tuition, businessman for president, progressivism criticism, idiot business goon, smidgen, incremental, hope, change
Trump to Trans People: We Will No Longer Hire You to Kill People
Date: 01/28/2019
Views: 9224
Keywords: military, militarism, trump, transgender, LGBTQA. scotus, supreme court, career, capital punishment, death penalty, executioner, assassins, mafia, muslim, serial killer
Internet Security Is So Good It's Even Safe From You
Date: 01/30/2019
Views: 5886