Keyword Album: income
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 75 items
Finally, the Reason Congress Doesn't Care About You Even One Little Bit
Date: 03/22/2019
Views: 9991
Keywords: representative democracy, congress, income, salaries, wage gap, economics, rent, food, gas, doctors, education, prices, global warming, environment, climate change, polar bear, Trump, tweet
How Do the Other 22% Live?
Date: 01/16/2019
Views: 5401
How Representative Democracy Works
Date: 12/26/2018
Views: 8690
Keywords: democracy, prices, income, economic, bread and butter issues, two-party system, elections, voters, environment, toxins, brown people, racism, oppressors, identity politics
After a Lot of Hype, Russian Interference Turns Out Not to Amount to Much
Date: 08/06/2018
Views: 10615
Keywords: CIA, Central intelligence agency, FBI, Federal Bureau of investigation, Russian interference, NSA, national security agency, Dan coats, director of national intelligence, divisive issues, racism, economic disparity, income disparity, inequality, militaris
Trump is Creating Thousands of Jobs and I Have Held All of Them
Date: 07/18/2018
Views: 7869
Keywords: Trump, economy, jobs, employment, unemployment, Uber, Lyft, gig economy, quality, taxi, income
As Millennials Age and Boomers Die, Capitalism Is Inevitably Doomed
Date: 04/23/2018
Views: 16451
Keywords: Capitalism, socialism, economic systems, communism, economics, Starbucks, coffee, barista, restaurant, minimum wage, cashless society, homeless, poverty, income disparity, wealth disparity
In an Alternative Universe, There Is a Trump Who Cares About Us, and We Care About Things That Matter
Date: 04/20/2018
Views: 15210
Keywords: Impeachment, Donald Trump, media, journalism, Robert Mueller, FBI, political police, CIA, Mexico, border wall, illegal immigrants, communist revolution, income disparity, Russia investigation, climate change, retirement crisis, student loans, evidence, lo
Russian Bots Exploit Long-Neglected Problems and Divisions. Let's Attack the Bot, Not the Problems!
Date: 02/23/2018
Views: 11295
Keywords: Russia, bots, 2016 presidential election, Russiagate, gun violence, Parkland, corruption, police brutality, income inequality, racism, sexism, party politics
What if #MeToo Held Capitalist Predators to Account Too?
Date: 02/07/2018
Views: 16115
Keywords: Howard Schultz, Starbucks, CEO, income inequality, capitalism, corporations, employers, employees, unfairness, women, feminism, sexual harassment, predator, apology, witchhunt, psychiatric treatment, Jamie Dimon, Chase, bank, illegal foreclosures, Injusti