Keyword Album: prices
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 38 items
Somewhat Less Than Ideal Messenger
Date: 02/21/2022
Views: 8876
Keywords: democrats, messaging, Joe Biden, inflation, gas prices, gasoline, layaway plan, seeds, victory garden, S&H green stamps, filling up, midterm elections
Inflation Is Irrelevant If You Can't Buy Anything Anyway
Date: 11/26/2021
Views: 11700
Keywords: Inflation, supply chain, labor shortage, economy, consumerism, grocery store, shoppers, consumer confidence, staff, high prices, help wanted, try back later, on order, milk, eggs
Finally, the Reason Congress Doesn't Care About You Even One Little Bit
Date: 03/22/2019
Views: 9991
Keywords: representative democracy, congress, income, salaries, wage gap, economics, rent, food, gas, doctors, education, prices, global warming, environment, climate change, polar bear, Trump, tweet
How Representative Democracy Works
Date: 12/26/2018
Views: 8690
Keywords: democracy, prices, income, economic, bread and butter issues, two-party system, elections, voters, environment, toxins, brown people, racism, oppressors, identity politics
Steeler Beer
Date: 09/11/2013
Views: 13053
Keywords: Harrisburg Patriot-News, local cartoon, Pittsburgh Steelers, inflation, sports, football, Heinz Field, beer, prices, books, alcoholism
Gaseous Vengeance
Date: 01/14/2013
Views: 9358
Keywords: Biofuels, petroleum, gas, oil, McDonald's, Guatemala, Third World, poverty, food prices, land shortages, energy policy, gasoline, revenge, fart, babies, gas station
Chained CPI
Date: 12/11/2012
Views: 14191
Keywords: Chained CPI, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, inflation, government statistics, Social Security, burgers, steal, beer, alcohol, Harvard, college tuition, militarism, war, housing prices, homelessness, poverty, economy, capitalism, collaps
Underwater on the Car
Date: 10/09/2012
Views: 9594
Corn Price Denialism
Date: 04/30/2012
Views: 6111