Keyword Album: tweet
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 79 items
Finally, the Reason Congress Doesn't Care About You Even One Little Bit
Date: 03/22/2019
Views: 9991
Keywords: representative democracy, congress, income, salaries, wage gap, economics, rent, food, gas, doctors, education, prices, global warming, environment, climate change, polar bear, Trump, tweet
If Watergate Happened Now the Press Would Be Too Busy Reporting on Tweets
Date: 12/11/2018
Views: 7560
Keywords: twitter, social media, tweet, woodward, watergate, bernstein, washington post, media, news, journalism, reporting, priorities
Donald Trump Insult-Tweets Sweet Baby Jesus But It Doesn't Matter
Date: 11/21/2018
Views: 8135
Keywords: Donald Trump, Twitter, social media, insults, Tweets, Kellyanne Conway, Latino, racism, religion, Jesus, sweet baby, wuss, Romans
Fewer Yemeni Children Would Die if Trump Were to Call them Dogs (Especially the Girls)
Date: 08/21/2018
Views: 9357
Keywords: identity politics, Donald Trump, priorities, Yemen, schoolbus attack, Omarosa Manigault Newman, dog, tweet, airstrike, war, liberals, militarism
Not Proud To Be An American
Date: 07/13/2018
Views: 10888
Keywords: poll, gallup, child separation, twitter, tweets, child-stealing, pride, proud, July 4th, independence day, patriotism, nationalism, bomb, militarism, kidnapping
Roseanne and the Known Side Effects of Ambien
Date: 06/08/2018
Views: 6754
Trump's Torrent of BS Is Distracting Us From Real, Actually Important, Issues
Date: 04/25/2018
Views: 10234
Keywords: authoritarianism, trump, distraction, disgusting, tweets, homelessness, poverty, melania trump, playboy bunny, James Comey, Russia McCabe, Cohem. corruption, Russia, collusion
Vote Democratic! Who Else Would Always Consistently Vote Republican?
Date: 04/06/2018
Views: 10427
Keywords: Democrats, DACA, dreamers, illegal immigration, undocumented workers, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, toilet, tweet, Twitter, OK, budget deal, compromise, sell out
With Democrats Like Doug Jones, Who Needs Republicans?
Date: 02/05/2018
Views: 10242
Keywords: Doug Jones, upset victory, Alabama, US Senate, Democrats, surprise, NSA, Edward Snowden, disappointment, Mass surveillance, tweet, dreamers, DACA, abortion, identity politics