Keyword Album: Joe Biden
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 307 items
DNC to Joe Biden: Don't Worry, The Fix is In. Where Have We Heard This Before?
Date: 05/06/2019
Views: 8055
Keywords: 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden, Democrats, centrists, moderates, corporatists, neoliberals, DNC cabal, Nancy Pelosi, nominee, superdelegates, Trump, overconfidence, hubris
Joe Biden Voters Enthusiastically Embrace the Death of Hope and Change
Date: 05/02/2019
Views: 7039
Keywords: Joe Biden, corporatist Democrats, neoliberals, boring, dull, suburban, hopeless, dream, shoot, golf club, minivan, 2020 presidential campaign
We're So Corrupt We Can Only Nail Politicians on a Technicality
Date: 04/05/2019
Views: 7789
Keywords: Al Capone, Joe Biden, 2020 presidential campaign, #MeToo, sexual harassment, microaggressions, sniffing, Bernie Sanders, militarism, war, busing, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hitler, frauleins
Joe Biden Was Also a Victim of Inappropriate Touching
Date: 04/03/2019
Views: 7540
Keywords: Goldman Sachs, Joe Biden, #MeToo, sexual harassment, Delaware, man of the people, schtick, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, drone, kill list, inappropriate touching, militarism
Drone Hits Home
Date: 01/30/2015
Views: 11013
Keywords: drones, UAVs, drunk droning, White House, Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, hypocrisy, Yemen, war on terror, family, regulations, movie theater, popcorn
New Term, New Excuses
Date: 11/09/2012
Views: 7883
Keywords: huge mess, Obama, 2012 presidential race, Joe Biden, poster, homeless, fire, drones, excuses, second term, reelection
Obama's Economic Plan
Date: 08/19/2011
Views: 13833
Keywords: inaction, economy, recession, depression, political campaign industry, madison avenue, stimulus, nixon, china, slavery, patents, tuber, election futures, keychains, joe biden, michele obama, perfume, wapakoneta, ohio
Date: 01/31/2011
Views: 9959
Keywords: Obama, GOP, Republican Congress, Jobs, Unemployment, Cabinet, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Mind, Negative Accomplishments, Theoretical Physics, Less
State of the Union 2011
Date: 01/21/2011
Views: 9506
Keywords: State of the Union, John Boehner, Senate, Joe Biden, Teleprompter, Strongish, Corporations, China, Banks, Sponsorships, Collapse, Address, Speech, Obama