Keyword Album: media darlings
Date: 02/03/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 2 items
Date: 02/14/2020
Views: 7542
Keywords:, John Kasich, Joe Biden, media darlings, editorial board, journalism, pundits, pundity, newsroom, newspaper, reelection, flesh-and-blood, Wesley Clark, John McCain, media bubble, Lamar Alexander, Bill Bradley, Bill Richardson, Beto O'Rourke
So You Want to be a Political Rock 'n' Roll Star
Date: 04/26/2019
Views: 7393
Keywords: Beto O'Rourke, lack of experience, charisma, ugliness, gig, career counseling, and experience, mayor Pete Buttigieg, South Bend Indiana, media darlings, John McCain, Barack Obama