Keyword Album: Di
Date: 12/20/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 1907 items
Seems Like Everyone is Running for the 2020 Democratic President
Date: 05/08/2019
Views: 4288
So You Want to be a Political Rock 'n' Roll Star
Date: 04/26/2019
Views: 7156
Keywords: Beto O'Rourke, lack of experience, charisma, ugliness, gig, career counseling, and experience, mayor Pete Buttigieg, South Bend Indiana, media darlings, John McCain, Barack Obama
Broke? Declare Yourself a Church and Burn
Date: 04/22/2019
Views: 7409
Keywords: Yellow vest movement, France, income inequality, Notre Dame, Cathedral, fire, reconstruction, charity, incendiary, hypocrisy, Catholic Church, priests, Paris
So Many Democratic Candidates, So Many Identical Platform Planks
Date: 04/17/2019
Views: 6471
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, 2020 presidential campaign, Democrats, Medicare-for-all, $15 minimum wage, college tuition, vive la difference, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, Elizabeth Warren
Imagining a Better World Isn't Really That Hard
Date: 04/10/2019
Views: 7921
Keywords: workers, helping professions, airlines, gate, militarism, military, soldier, army, teachers, nurses, union representatives, journalists, charities, social workers
If You Were Out to Get Donald Trump, Russiagate Is Not How You'd Do It
Date: 03/28/2019
Views: 7787
Keywords: idiotic psychopath, Robert Mueller Report, financial crimes, Trump, impeachment, Democrats, tax dodging, money laundering, mafia, Soviet, Russiagate, Russia, stooge
Tragic Employers Have No Way to Find Workers To Do Exactly What They Want
Date: 03/18/2019
Views: 5817
Keywords: capitalism, Boeing, Lion Air, Ethiopian Airlines, airplane crash, disaster, safety, Indonesia, Ethiopia, 737 Max 8, plane, FAA
Need Extra Cash? Blackmail Donald Trump. He'll Pay.
Date: 03/03/2019
Views: 6838
Keywords: Donald Trump, blackmail, extortion, love child, AMI, American Media, National Enquirer, Michael Cohen, testimony, aardvark, tax cuts for wealthy
You Can Support a Candidate You Agree With or One Who's Electable...Or So They Say
Date: 02/20/2019
Views: 6481
Keywords: moderates, extremists, Ronald Reagan, John Kasich, pundits, ideology, Barack Obama, settle, banks, deport, drone