Keyword Album: Senate
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 76 items
The Primary Voter
Date: 07/08/2006
Views: 12902
Keywords: Primary, Voter, Election, Voters, Primaries, Party, Politics, Triangulation, Lieberman, Senate, Traitor, Ideology, DINO, RINO, In Name Only, Democrats, Republicans, GOP
On a Planet Where the Nazis Won WW2
Date: 02/08/2008
Views: 10005
Keywords: Barack Obama, Obama, Theoretical Voting Record, Senate, Star Trek, Time-Space Continuum, Triangulation, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Missouri Compromise, 1800s, Slavery, Slave
Profile in Getting One's Head Kicked In
Date: 10/26/2007
Views: 8284
Keywords: Christopher Dodd, Dodd, Senate, Senator, Democrats, Pelosi, Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hold, Bill
Hillary's Inner Peacechild
Date: 02/23/2007
Views: 10982
Keywords: Hillary, Clinton, Iraq, Vote, Senate, Apology, Do-Over, Polls, Peace, Iraqis, Troops, Yes, War, Resolution