Keyword Album: IDs
Date: 01/02/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 91 items
Date: 09/26/2019
Views: 11329
Keywords:, Bush, lies, WMDs, weapons of mass destruction, Iraq War, Nancy Pelosi, child separation policy, impeachable, migrant kids, ICE, drone assassination program, Defcon 4
Impeachable/Not Impeachable
Date: 10/01/2019
Views: 7816
Keywords: George W. Bush, lies, WMDs, weapons of mass destruction, Iraq War, Nancy Pelosi, child separation policy, impeachable, migrant kids, ICE, drone assassination program, Defcon 4
California Cops Can Kill You Simply Because They "Feel" Like It
Date: 08/28/2019
Views: 6866
After All the Crap He Pulled, What Got Everyone Angry at Trump was His Moves Toward Peace
Date: 01/02/2019
Views: 8698
Keywords: James Mattis, pissed off, Trump, militarism, war, Syria, troops, Middle East, trade wars, emoluments, porn stars, insanity, killing migrant kids, collusion
George H.W. Bush, RIP
Date: 12/03/2018
Views: 12020
Keywords: George H.W. Bush, POTUS, polite, civil, humble, patriotic, good man, ethics, crimes, war crimes, HIV-AIDS crisis, Willie Horton, Lee Atwater, Roger Ailes, Fox News, blacks, Colin Powell, Gulf War, Iraq, highway of death, obituary, recession, economy, pove
Post-Kavanaugh Personnel Decisions
Date: 10/01/2018
Views: 7857
Keywords: Brett Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, rapists, corporation, CEOs, personnel decisions, business, IDs, layoffs, boardroom
Everyone is Talking About Blockchain But No One Does Anything About Knowing What It Actually Is
Date: 09/21/2018
Views: 10634
Keywords: blockchain, gadzillion, bitcoin, venture capitalists, vcs, date, bar, silicon valley, media, journalism, shop, children, kids, god, ignorance, technology
Date: 06/01/2016
Views: 10043
Keywords: Forbes, Cartoon of the Day, Millennials, downward mobility, hipsters, commuting, commute, scooters, streets, beards, twentysomethings, driving, school, children, kids
Date: 07/19/2016
Views: 9836