Keyword Album: p
Date: 01/10/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 5943 items
Looking for the Real Killer
Date: 08/22/2006
Views: 7890
Keywords: Tom DeLay, Terri Schiavo, Mercy Killing, Euthenasia, Death, Life, Real Killer, O.J. Simpson, Congress, Hypocrisy, Hospice
If People Believed in Heaven and Hell
Date: 08/20/2006
Views: 11083
Keywords: Heaven, Hell, Faith, God, Religion, Belief, Eternity, Hades, Damnation, Omniscience, Fate, Generosity, Homelessness, Poverty, Christianity, Christian
Nice Democracy You Got There
Date: 08/17/2006
Views: 14743
Keywords: Concentration Camps, Guantanamo, Freedom isn't free, Fascism, Shampoo, Airport, Security, Terrorism, 9/11, September 11, Bush, White House, Administration, President, NSA, National Security Agency, Spying, Domestic Surveillance, Police, Checpoints, Toothp
If the Justice System Were Like Politics
Date: 08/14/2006
Views: 12870
Keywords: Accountability, Bush, War Crimes, Iraq, Afghanistan, Trial, Trials, Punishment, Jury, Jurors, Judge, Liberal Judges, Murder, Torture, Graft, Theft, Corruption, Politicians
Dick Cheney Stars In: "I'm Here to Help!"
Date: 08/12/2006
Views: 12925
Keywords: Primaries, Lieberman, Connecticut, Senate, Senator, Congress, Pundit, Cheney, Vice President, Bush, Chai, Osama, bin Laden, Liberalism, DLC, Moderation, Swing Voters
Every 10 Minutes
Date: 08/10/2006
Views: 11987
Keywords: Elections, Voters, Electorate, Midterm, Lieberman, Iraq, War, Iraqi, Iraqis, Killed, Wounded, Injured, Casualties, Voter, Hour, Minute, Years, Pro-War, Republican, Democrat, Republicans, Democrats
The Primary Voter
Date: 07/08/2006
Views: 12387
Keywords: Primary, Voter, Election, Voters, Primaries, Party, Politics, Triangulation, Lieberman, Senate, Traitor, Ideology, DINO, RINO, In Name Only, Democrats, Republicans, GOP
What Really Pisses Us Off
Date: 07/06/2006
Views: 8892
Signing Letter
Date: 07/31/2006
Views: 10296
Keywords: Signing Letters, Executive Orders, Unitary Executive, Bush, George W. Bush, President, Presidency, Laws, Bills, Congress, Legislature, Executive, Torture, Geneva, Geneva Conventions, This is torture, Oval Office, White House