Keyword Album: luxury
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 7 items
Never Forget
Date: 02/19/2025
Views: 3090
Keywords: Benjamin Netanyahu, Bibi Netanyahu, holocaust, never forget, Gaza, ethnic cleansing, Gazacide by the sea, luxury condos, Donald Trump, inspiration, warning, Israel
Date: 07/31/2018
Views: 6959
Keywords: Sputnik News, Paul Manafort, trial, ostrich jacket, karaoke machine, luxury, extravagance, fraud, tax evasion, bad taste, tasteless, prison
The Healthcare System is Demented
Date: 06/14/2019
Views: 8971
Keywords: Dementia, Alzheimer's, 18, elderly, nursing home, Medicare, Medicaid, rehab, euphemisms, jargon, assisted living, palliative care, memory care, insurance, healthcare, luxury hotel, old, private pay
The Thrilling Appeal of Incrementalism
Date: 02/02/2016
Views: 10368
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, incrementalism, Iowa caucuses, 2016 presidential campaign, Democrats, poverty, homelessness, Bernie Sanders, Denmark, food, shelter, gentrification, luxury condos
Inspiring Indeed
Date: 02/22/2011
Views: 9763
Keywords: Capitalism, Rich Pigs, Servant, Butler, Lavish, Luxury, Egypt, Revolution, Socialism, Uprising, Oppressors, Suffering, Tunisia, Democracy
Downsizing the Graybar Hotel
Date: 12/28/1996
Views: 12033
Keywords: Graybar Hotel, Downsizing, Prisons, Jail, Crime and Punishment, Law and Order, Television, Luxury, Tough, Library, Cells, Rent, Cruel and Unusual
If We Had a Conscience
Date: 09/18/2006
Views: 10868
Keywords: Community Center, Priorities, Society, Homelessness, Elderly, Children, Schools, Libraries, Condos, High-Rise, Luxury, Bill Gates, Rich People, Wealth, Construction