Keyword Album: Elizabeth Warren
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 26 items
When Bernie Met Liz, They Stopped Thinking Straight
Date: 01/20/2020
Views: 7305
Keywords: Elizabeth Warren, electability, Bernie Sanders, progressive civil war, stultophobic, stultophobia, stupid, logic, stupidity, sexism, misogny, women, 2020 presidential election
Progressive v. Progressive Come Lately
Date: 01/06/2020
Views: 5131
The Problem with Voting Strategically Is That You Vote against Yourself
Date: 12/25/2019
Views: 6651
Going for Medicare for All Proves That Radicalism Is the Only Way
Date: 12/04/2019
Views: 9124
Keywords: Public option, affordable care act, healthcare, ACA, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Medicare for all, public option, crappy insurance, revolution, incrementalism, moderation, centrism, radicalism, Democrats
he Good News about Michael Bloomberg Is That He Won't Bug You
Date: 12/02/2019
Views: 6505
Keywords: Mike BVloomberg, Michael Bloomberg, 2020 presidential campaign, 2020 Democratic primaries, individual financing, primaries, Iowa, New Hampshire, policies, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, absentee landlord, absentee president
It's Not like Progressives Are Exactly Suffering Because They Didn't Vote for Hillary
Date: 11/13/2019
Views: 8272
Keywords: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Democratic primary, 2020 presidential campaign, Iran, militarism, war, Russia, Hillary Clinton, reelection of Hillary Clinton, Progressives, civil war in democratic party
The Impeachment of Trump is a Coup d'Etat by DNC Centrists Again
Date: 10/09/2019
Views: 10863
Keywords: Impeachment, coup d'état, DNC, centrist, progressive, killer Nazis, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, national security Democrats, AOC, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, corrupt, media
Democrats on the Issue(s) in the 2020 Campaign
Date: 10/02/2019
Views: 8265
Keywords: 2020 presidential campaign, Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, impeachment, Trump, minimum wage, college affordability, college tuition, Medicare for all, the environment, climate change, global warming, issues
Even Elizabeth Warren Supports the Bizarre Myth That Vietnam Still Has Our POWs
Date: 08/21/2019
Views: 8056
Keywords: Vietnam, prisoners of war, POWs, missing in action, MIA, flag, POW MIA flag, conspiracy, Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone, Rambo first blood, mythology, national delusion, Elizabeth Warren, militarism