Keyword Album: W
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4534 items
Bernie Sanders Gets Screwed Again
Date: 02/17/2020
Views: 7568
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, Iowa caucus, 2020 presidential campaign, Barack Obama, David Plouffe, shadow Inc., acronym Inc., cronyism, hypocrisy, corruption, liar, deleted webpages
You Shall Know a System by its Enemies
Date: 02/03/2020
Views: 7717
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, system, 2020 presidential election, search, Paul, Medicare for all, Doctor, billionaires, billionaire, free college, for-profit colleges, madman, $15 an hour minimum wage
Why Is Elizabeth Warren Hiring so Many Right Wing Foreign Policy Hacks?
Date: 02/05/2020
Views: 6152
Who Was That Greta Girl Again?
Date: 01/30/2020
Views: 5190
How to Game the Popularity Voter Whores
Date: 02/01/2020
Views: 7727
Keywords: majoritarian voters, wasting votes, psyched, elections, candidates, voters, popularity whores, Trump, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren
Why Centrist Democrats Can't Get to Bernie Sanders
Date: 01/28/2020
Views: 10964
Keywords: Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy, Spock, centrist Democrats, Bernie Sanders, cheat, progressives, Washington Post, Hillary Clinton, polls, Los Angeles Times, LA Times, L.A. Times, endorsements, Obama, fugly, South Carolina, counterintuitive
Here's Why Democrats Did Their Lame Pro Forma Impeachment of Trump
Date: 01/22/2020
Views: 7292
Keywords: impeachment, pro forma, Donald Trump, witnesses, subpoena, bipartisanship, consensus, ciount, tweet, twitter, social media, smart
When Bernie Met Liz, They Stopped Thinking Straight
Date: 01/20/2020
Views: 7292
Keywords: Elizabeth Warren, electability, Bernie Sanders, progressive civil war, stultophobic, stultophobia, stupid, logic, stupidity, sexism, misogny, women, 2020 presidential election
Other Countries Using Drones to Kill Our President? That'll Never Happen
Date: 01/15/2020
Views: 11278
Keywords: Weapons, war, military, predator drone, surveillance drones, terrorists, killing, assassinations, government officials, Iran, drone attack, general qasam suleimeni