Keyword Album: Cialis
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 59 items
What, Exactly, Isn't an American Value?
Date: 11/20/2020
Views: 17003
Keywords: Authoritarianism, dictatorship, anti-Americanism, martial law, coup d'état, Donald Trump, media censorship, hunter Biden, Fox News, torture, capitalism, socialism, freedom, Edward Snowden, NSA, legalize torture, George W. Bush, enhanced interrogation tec
Good Thing the Nominee Isn't a Socialist
Date: 08/26/2020
Views: 5371
First There Were Only Two. Then There Was a Third. Trouble Began
Date: 05/27/2020
Views: 6114
Keywords: Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up, tasty, third option, marketshare, tastier, Russian socialist elixir, third-party, two parties, presidential elections, two party trap, duopoly
Liberals' Wishful Thinking about Joe Biden
Date: 04/17/2020
Views: 8953
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Norwall, Elizabeth Warren, cabinet, progressive, pacifists, Socialists, wishful thinking, projection, Marxist academics, left libertarians, death to the rich, unicorn, magical thinking
Date: 08/21/2019
Views: 9971
Keywords: WhoWhatWhy, socialism, polls, salaries, recession, depression, economy, economics, debts, paid off, stock market, crash, boom, bust, cycle
Date: 12/12/2019
Views: 23999
Keywords:, Kansas City, Missouri, bus, mass transit, transportation, socialism, inequality, free bus, government, socialist, Joe Biden
One Man's Bliss Is Another's Nightmare
Date: 03/04/2020
Views: 4743
Anti-Bernie Sanders Attack Ads Are Going to Be Awesome
Date: 02/07/2020
Views: 10786
Keywords: Soviet nostalgia, attack ads, Soviet union, USSR, Kremlinology, Photoshop, Bernie Sanders, democratic socialist, television ads, political ads, Mayday Parade's, flags, tanks, healthcare
Hey Democrats, Here's What a Purity Test for Candidates Looks Like (and Doesn't)
Date: 05/28/2019
Views: 8749
Keywords: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, 2020 democratic presidential nomination, death penalty, Kamala Harris, vote, purity test, capital punishment, person of color, veterans, militarism, gay, LGBT, socialist, CEO, environment, reduces, reuses, recycle