Keyword Album: apocalypse
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 20 items
The Country Is Gone but At Least We Don't Have a National Debt
Date: 05/07/2020
Views: 6019
Coronavirus-Era Pickup Lines
Date: 04/03/2020
Views: 7278
Keywords: Pickup lines, love, romance, dating, COVID-19, coronavirus, lockdown, 6 feet, 5 1/2 feet, toilet paper, TP, apocalypse, antibodies, immunity
Signs of Impending Doom
Date: 03/02/2020
Views: 6327
Keywords: apocalypse, Bernie Sanders, centrism, centrists, moderates, pundits, February, global warming, climate change, toads, biblical
The Ambivalence of a Nice Day in February
Date: 02/21/2020
Views: 5369
Sorry but It Really Is Too Late to Save the World
Date: 11/22/2019
Views: 9728
Keywords: Pollution, counterpoint, committed warming, ice melting, carbon dioxide, CO2, 1799, Donald Trump, dip shit politicians, auto makers, horse and buggy, last thing we hear, apocalypse, climate change, global warming, environment, planet, earth
Doomsday for a Well-Rested Man
Date: 12/20/2012
Views: 9139
Keywords: jobs program, underemployment, recession, unemployment, depression, Mayans, doomsday, apocalypse, end times, Mayan calendar, Obama, White House, Oval Office
In the Future
Date: 08/09/2012
Views: 9013
Keywords: Iran, militarism, Mitt Romney, Israel, warmongering, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, war, environment, apocalypse, economy
Free Health Clinic
Date: 04/28/2010
Views: 9344
Busy, Busy, Dither, Dither
Date: 11/06/2009
Views: 11077
Keywords: F-22, Air Force, USAF, Abstinence, Sexual Education, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Cabinet Meeting, Apocalypse, Economy, Recession, Depression, Smart-Grid Technology, Dithering