Date: 09/26/2019
Views: 11695
Keywords: WhoWhatWhy.org, Bush, lies, WMDs, weapons of mass destruction, Iraq War, Nancy Pelosi, child separation policy, impeachable, migrant kids, ICE, drone assassination program, Defcon 4
Impeachable/Not Impeachable
Date: 10/01/2019
Views: 8050
Keywords: George W. Bush, lies, WMDs, weapons of mass destruction, Iraq War, Nancy Pelosi, child separation policy, impeachable, migrant kids, ICE, drone assassination program, Defcon 4
Crazy White Guys Seething With Rage
Date: 04/03/2017
Views: 7249
Keywords: rage, anger, Oval Office, Donald Trump, Stephen Bannon, Steve Bannon, Maryanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Secret Service, alcoholic, booze, def-con 4, defcon 4, maniacs, hostile, hostility