First Elect Obama, Then Move Left!
Date: 09/16/2020
Views: 7269
Keywords: Obama, Biden, move left, history, torturers, Bush, wars, streets, Occupy Wall Street, OWS, banks, bailout
You're Gonna Miss Him Whether You Like Him Or Not
Date: 02/15/2017
Views: 9112
Keywords: Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Mexico, Iran, miss, president, Libya, Syria, torture, scot-free, torturers, Democrats, liberals
Obama's Folksy History of the World
Date: 08/07/2014
Views: 10217
Keywords: Holocaust, folks, Jews, Germans, World War I, Serbs, Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, countrified, corny, folksy, Obama, torture, CIA, enhanced interrogation techniques, torturers, Central Intelligence Agency