Keyword Album: new
Date: 03/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1061 items
Home for the Holidays
Date: 12/16/2020
Views: 10747
Keywords: New Year's day, Christmas, holiday season, quarantine, contact tracing, social shaming, testing, COVID-19, travel, coronavirus, ethics, band, shaming
What, Exactly, Isn't an American Value?
Date: 11/20/2020
Views: 18232
Keywords: Authoritarianism, dictatorship, anti-Americanism, martial law, coup d'état, Donald Trump, media censorship, hunter Biden, Fox News, torture, capitalism, socialism, freedom, Edward Snowden, NSA, legalize torture, George W. Bush, enhanced interrogation tec
You Can't Be Disappointed If You Don't Have Expectations
Date: 11/11/2020
Views: 8857
Keywords: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, hope and change, high approval ratings, news media, opinion polls, Romneycare, Obamacare, affordable care act, thinktank, sell out, wimp, obstructionism, zero expectations
This Is a Defense?
Date: 10/26/2020
Views: 5551
Date: 10/21/2020
Views: 4803
Neither Emperor Is Wearing Clothes
Date: 10/07/2020
Views: 3850
So Trump Really Is a Great Businessman
Date: 10/09/2020
Views: 6930
Climate Change Is Pass Fail
Date: 09/23/2020
Views: 8524
Keywords: Progressive Democrats, green new deal, greenhouse gas emissions, net zero, renewable energy, climate change, environment, Biden plan, Joe Biden, 2020 presidential campaign, environmentalism, planet, death, red tide, human civilization, collapse
The Deficit Is Gone but so Is the Country
Date: 08/10/2020
Views: 5102